Create a Tribute Page

Creating a Tribute Page in memory of someone special is a beautiful way to celebrate their life. It becomes a cherished sanctuary, a place to return to each year, filled with love and remembrance.


A forever space where you can make a dedication in memory of someone special. Remember your loved one by sharing your stories, pictures and thoughts on this page.

Donate online

Send your best wishes through an online tribute card. Choose from four designs and include a personalised message.


To fundraise in memory of a loved one you can set up a JustGiving page. This allows for family and friends to support your cause, donate and share personal memories and messages.


Thank you for considering donating in memory to Prostate Cancer Research. When you selflessly give at a difficult time of grief and pain you’re doing something wonderful to make sure others won’t be impacted by prostate cancer.

I hope it will bring comfort to know that your gift will help us work towards a world free from the impact of this disease.

The team are here to help – so if you have any questions or want to know more about our work and the impact you can have, then just get in touch.

It is only by coming together to fund research that we can bring hope to future generations.

With my humble gratitude for thinking of others at this time.

Oliver Kemp
Chief Executive

We’d love to hear from you, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Individual Giving Officer

For help with how to honour the life of someone special by supporting Prostate Cancer Research, please call Jasmeet on 0203 735 5444 or email

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