During the month of October, PCR, in collaboration with Tackle Prostate Cancer, are bringing you two webinars to help you better navigate the NHS, particularly in the context of a digital era.
The NHS and Your Care
Oct 20th 4-5:30pm
Follow up care in a digital era - empowering you to be a partner in your care
This session is led by two expert speakers: Chris Lomas, Living With and Beyond Cancer Programme Manager, NHS England and Improvement, and Debbie Victor, Uro-Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist at the Royal Cornwall Hospital.
Oct 26th 12-1:30pm
Prostate Cancer Follow-up Care: one size doesn’t fit all
This session is led by Anne Somerville, RGN BSc Urological Nursing, Prostate Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist.
To find out more information about the other months in our webinar series